Thursday, March 28, 2013

Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost

Acquainted with the Night by Robert Frost is a poem about a man walking in solitude down a city street. I personally struggled a great deal with this poem, and still find the meaning of the poem to be a bit of a stretch. I only noticed two literary techniques in this poem. The first was the repetition of the phrase, "I have" (line 1). The other literary technique I noticed was a juxtaposition between light and dark. I believe that these two symbols represent good and evil. Past these two details, I lack understanding of this poem. I felt like it the concepts we discussed in class were a bit of a stretch. The poem seemed like a bunch of nonsense. I thought the image of the watchmen was a exaggerated because when I think of a police officer I think of illegal activity. If the speaker had done something bad enough to avoid the police, I do not get why people would not be calling after him. Many of these poems I struggled on, but this one in particular I have a hard time wrapping my head around.

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